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New Leave

On New Leave page, you can apply for leave.

How to apply for new leave?

Leave Request
Application Date date on which leave is applied. Displayed by default. Non-editable.
Leave Type list of leave types. You can choose one.
Start Date start date of leaves.
End Date end date of leaves.
Leave Reason list of leave reasons. You can choose one. Leave reason depends on selected leave type.
Employee Comments comments from employee about the leave to be applied.
Attach File

supporting document for the leave to be applied.

E.g. If leave type is sick leave, then you can attach medical certificate.

No. of Days Calculated automatically. Non-editable. (Difference between Start date and End Date along with Duration type -Full/Half on individual days).
Reachable Address address on which you can be contacted while on leave.
Leave Duration
Select Duration

list of durations. You can choose one.

Note: If it is a holiday, then duration will not be applicable.

1. Enter the required information.

2. Click Submit button.

You can view new leave on My Leaves page.